Essoh-Attah Development Association E.D.A.-USA
Geographic information of Essoh-Attah
The kingdom of Essoh-Attah is located in the south of Lebialem division, Lebialem division is one of the divisions within the South-West Province of Cameroon. Essoh-Attah is made up of Mweh people in the Lebialem division. Lebialem Division has as neighbors: Menoua Division of the West Province to the east, Manyu Division in the South-west province to the West, the North West province to the north and the Kupe-Maneguba Division in the South-West province to the south. Lebialem Division has three sub-divisions (administrative units): Alou, Fontem and Wabane. The divisional headquarters is Menji in Fontem Sub Division .